Lami Phillips-Gbadamosi, shared her first photo since the delivery two weeks ago and posted a candid caption about not having to keep up false appearances. This is to all women struggling to be someone else when they can live their truth.

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So .. here’s a no filter: no makeup post delivery picture .. let’s be honest .. no matter how many times you give birth.. no matter how many times the doctor tells you that you’ll look 6 months pregnant for about 6 months (on average) , nothing prepares you for your post delivery body. Everyone talks about this mysterious SnapBack but I think that the first three months after the delivery are similar to the first three months of pregnancy. You spend the time trying to regroup.. mind , body and soul. It’s a job nobody can help with. Even if you rush on the outward appearance.. your soul still needs to go at it’s own pace. I really could slap make up on and throw out some inspiring quote and wear some outfit that’s says “IM BACK!” .. but today I’m just hugging all women and saying … ” travel your journey.. at your own pace”
It occurred to me today .. that being myself is my gift. Yes I sing, act.. write etc. but I believe that when I am myself.. I inadvertently give others permission to do the same. I just got tired of The Whole pretense you know.. we all act like we have our ducks in a row . Truth is we are all just trying to be better. Social media is usually utilized as a means to show off.. and put the best package of yourself forward. I just want to be me.. however that comes across and whatever that means.#LamiLIVING ©™
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