Simisola Kosoko, also known as Simi, has taken to her verified Twitter account to reveal her intriguing retirement plan. The 35-year-old musical sensation has divulged her intention to embark on a new creative journey by establishing her very own kids’ show.
With a career spanning numerous chart-topping hits and a devoted global fan base, Simi has undoubtedly solidified her status as a prominent figure in the music industry.
On Saturday, August 12, 2023, Simi shared her retirement vision with the world through a concise but impactful tweet. In her message, she expressed her eagerness to delve into the world of children’s programming.
The multi-talented artist, who is also a devoted mother to her child, left readers with a glimpse of her determination and enthusiasm. In her own words, she declared, “My retirement plan is my own kids show. I’ve been working on music for years. I can’t wait. So help me God.”
My retirement plan is my own kids show. I've been working on music for years. I can't wait. So help me God.
— Simi (@SympLySimi) August 12, 2023