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105 Tons Of Ivory Burnt In Kenya

Once again, Kenya set 105 tons of ivory on fire in a publicized attempt to discourage poaching as well as the illegal trade in ivory.

Kenya’s President, Uhuru Kenyatta has spoken against the trade in ivory, a thriving illegal trade which puts millions of animals at risk every year. The commercial value of elephant ivory as well as horns from rhinos was put at a reported $150 million,

105 tons of ivory
Elephant ivory

Uhuru Kenyatta was on hand as he set fire to some piles of ivory himself in what is estimated to be the largest cache of ivory ever destroyed.

“A time has come when we must take a stand and the stand is clear … Kenyaย is making a statement that for us ivory is worthless unless it is on our elephants,” Kenyatta said

Kenya’s Wildlife Service chairmanย Richard Leakey said,ย “We will burn ivory and we hope every country in the globe will support Kenya and say never again should we trade ivory,”



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