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Infinix prompts its community to join the move for equality as we celebrate International Women’s Day 2021.


Conversations around gender bias and inequality have gone on for decades. While some individuals subtly advocate for things to remain the same with men having more privileges than women in the work place and society, a number of open-minded people have decided to campaign for, and create balance.

It’s a given that the role of women in society cannot be undermined. In 2012, the World Bank’s World Development Report proved that there’s a positive connection between gender parity and economic performance as well as growth and productivity.However, it is a sad reality that up until today, several women have been denied the opportunity to give their unique contribution and assume well-deserved positions at work, in politics and in society, all on the basis of gender.

Thanks to the relentless efforts of women and men who believe that we all are first human and that all our contributions are valid in this world, we are drawing closer to an age where there can be true balance.

This year, the International Women’s Day celebration (IWD 2021) is themed #ChooseToChallenge. Using this theme, people from all over the world, irrespective of their age or gender are challenging gender bias and clamouring for equal opportunity for everyone. As a technology company with a vast number of women occupying lead roles in its different operating countries, Infinix has decided to join the conversation and show support for this gainful agenda of striking the balance.

Under the umbrella of the #ChoosetoChallengecampaign, Infinix is prompting the people within its community to celebrate women who have risen up against the norm in society.  The brand is also inciting citizens to challenge the norms in their fields of interest and speak up for equality.

To join Infinix’s leg of the campaign, nominate any notable woman that has challenged inequality in anyway. Post a picture of yourself striking the “Choose to Challenge” pose and a picture of the notable person you are nominating. Post the picture with a caption, telling us what your nominee did to challenge inequality against women and what norm you would like to challenge as well.

Use the Hashtag, #IChooseToChallengeWithInfinix and #ChooseToChallenge. Follow Infinix Nigeria and tag them in your post.

Infinix recognizes that with a trickle of effort from one person to another, we can make a huge impact on our society and create that world where there’s balance and everyone is able to get what they truly merit irrespective of their gender. If we must get there, we must talk about it, celebrate it and progressively act towards it.  

For more information on how to join the #IChooseToChallengeWithInfinix campaign, visit Infinix on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram at @Infinixnigeria. You can also join their community of young and vibrant fans on XClub via the app on your Infinix device or click on this link to download the app if you’re a non Infinix user.


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