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Woman takes revenge on her boyfriend by burning his car – but gets the wrong vehicle

A Florida woman set fire to a car thinking it belonged to her ex-boyfriend but got the wrong vehicle, authorities believe.

She is accused of intentionally setting a Honda on fire earlier this month, ABC Action News reported.

Chamblee said she believed the vehicle belong to her ex-boyfriend, according to the police. But the owner of the Honda, Thomas Jennings, said he has never seen her before and has no idea who she is.woman burns car

A security camera caught footage of a woman stirring up a blaze at the back of the Honda.

Police believe Chamblee is the woman on the video.

Investigators found that a rag was set ablaze and placed in the gas tank of the vehicle.

Jennings’ roommate was the one who alerted him that his car was on fire. The two men ran out with a pot of water to try to extinguish the blaze – but Jennings told ABC Action News it was ‘too much’.

Chamblee was taken to the Pinellas County Jail on Saturday according to online records.

She was scheduled to appear in front of a judge on Sunday morning.

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