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Watch Accelerate’s Day Pass with Chi-Gul!

This weekโ€™s episode of Accelerateโ€™s Day Pass features media personality and comedienne โ€œChi-Gulโ€. A day in the life of one of Nigeriaโ€™s fastest rising comediennes reveals much more than you would expect. We join Chi-Gul as she takes us through her typical working day.

Explore her relationship with her mum and private staff. ย โ€œIโ€™m a casual babe o! See I love corn and โ€˜Ubeโ€™ itโ€™s a part of my daily routineโ€ says Chi-Gul in this episode. Watch for more gag moments.

Day Pass is designed to explore the everyday real life situations of hardworking musicians, actors, entrepreneurs, producers, and our everyday Nigerian people. Unscripted and shot on the go, Day pass captures a day in the life of these personalities.

Day Pass airs on every other Wednesday. Click here to watch Day Pass with Chi-Gul, and here to catch up with previous day passes with IK Osakioduwa, Mr P (P Square), and Helen Paul.

About Accelerate Tv.

Accelerate is the youth haven for the creatives, doers, thinkers and champions. We create content that educates, empowers, and entertains our audiences in Nigeria and beyond. With Shows such as The Maverick, Day Pass and Boss Moves, Accelerate is adding its own story to the African narrative by bringing you closer to content that will inspire and enrich you.

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