Fresh protests have been triggered in the United States following the shooting and killing of another black man, Dijon Kizzee in Los Angeles.
According to the police, the 29-year old Dijon Kizzee was riding his bicycle when the police tried to stop him for an unspecified vehicle code violation. The police stated that Dijon Kizzee refused to wait and started to run on foot, and when the officers caught up with him, he tried to resist arrest by punching one officer in the face while dropping some items of clothing he was carrying.
Police also told reporters that the officers noticed a black semi-automatic handgun in the clothing which Dijon dropped. Black protesters continue to maintain that Dijon was unarmed when he was shot and killed, since the black semi-automatic handgun he had in possession already dropped to the ground. In response, Lieutenant Brandon Dean said during a televised press conference, “If this individual was reaching for a semi-automatic handgun, I would suggest…that’s probably why deadly force was employed.”
The killing of Dijon Kizzee comes in the middle of the ongoing protests in the United States due to the shooting of a black father, Jacob Blakes who was shot seven times in the presence of his children, leaving him paralyzed.
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