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True Tales Publications is pleased to announce the appointment of Onah Nwachukwu as the group’s Editor-in-Chief. Nwachukwu joined the company as a Deputy Editor in 2013 and distinguished herself in her functions, thus quickly moving on to become the Editor of the prestigious HELLO! Nigeria, the Nigerian franchise of the popular UK celebrity magazine, HELLO!
True Tales Publication General Manager, Chidinma Awa Agwu said “The job of an Editor-in-Chief is quite tasking; it goes beyond minding the editorial ship to include overseeing all needed features in the growth of the brands. Fortunately, Onah is a trained professional with a great sense of responsibility and a good eye for details”.
The CEO of the group, Aditya Rao, said “By appointing Onah the Editor-in-Chief of TTP, we strongly believe in her ability to contribute towards the success of our magazines and the growth of our brands. As well as being highly creative, she possesses an all round business acumen which we believe will solidify our stand in the market and add value to the growth model set as our benchmark”.

Since her appointment as Editor-in-Chief, she has made great strides in re-positioning one of the group’s flagship publications COMPLETE FASHION. There is no doubt she will make a great impact on the group’s future and continue the good work with the rest of the brands.
Chidinma Awa Agwu
General Manager, True Tales Publications Ltd

We are thrilled to announce a couple of exciting projects for Complete Fashion this year. Asides the change in the size of the magazine, our readers and followers will also be entertained with fashion videos. Also in the pipeline is the launch of online covers, like our print version, it will celebrate celebrities and socialites. As a fashion magazine we understand the importance of not just celebrating our cover personalities but also awarding them for their role in paving the way for the rest of us to follow, that is why we have decided that we will be honouring them with awards.

We have not forgotten our readers in all of this, so we have planned a special give back for them in terms of gifts. For their loyalty to the brand, we have designed the Quarterly Fashion Jackpot for them. It’s pretty simple, all you have to do is purchase a digital copy of the latest issue for N499.00 and you could just be the lucky reader to go on a N500,000 shopping spree.  Trust me you will literally shop till you drop – our last winner will testify to that. I would also say fans should look out for our various ‘Fashion Is’ events which we have lined up this year and of course for years to come.

Onah Nwachukwu
Group Editor-in-Chief
True Tales Publications.

True Tales Publications is a limited liability company, founded by Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu and incorporated in 1989 as a publishing outfit to change the existent landscape of information dissemination and create a platform where success and great lifestyles are constantly celebrated. The company has over the years published various books and magazines encompassing wide range of areas.

The following are the mainstay publications of the company
1. Hints Magazine (1989)
2. CompleteFashion (2008)
3. Beauty Box (2011)

In 2015, the company, under the leadership of CEO Mr. Aditya Shirish Rao, True Tales Publications has transformed from a magazine based outfit into 360 degree Media brand providing services across Print, TV & Production, Online, Digital, Mobile, Creative Media, E-Commerce and Events. The company has ventured into the E-Commerce and Social Dating space by launching 1. Fashion E-commerce store called – 2. Social Dating Website –  The aim is simple; to become the top media organisation in Nigeria and West Africa.

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