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One of 3 Police Officers, Brett Hankinson Involved in Breonna Taylor’s Fatal Shooting Charged


One of the three police officers who shot Breonna Taylor, ย Brett Hankinson has finally been indicted on three counts of first-degree wanton endangerment for his role in the fatal shooting ofย Breonna Taylor.

Honourable Judgeย Annie O’Connellย made this pronouncement after a grand jury presented its decision in Louisville, Kent. According to NBC News, a warrant will soon be issued for Hankinson’s arrest. Other police officers involved in the raid on Taylor’s home were however not criminally charged by the grand jury.

26-year-old Breonna Taylor was shot and killed by police officers who requested and obtained a no-knock search warrant used to enter her home in connection to a narcotics investigation.ย Her death generated lots of reactions, condemning the acts of the police. This necessitated Brett Hankinson’s termination from the Louisville Police Force.

His resignation letter stated that he “violated” the Standard Operating Procedure “Obedience to Rules and Regulations” when his actions “displayed an extreme indifference to the value of human life when you wantonly and blindly fired ten (10) rounds into the apartment of Breonna Taylor.”

“These rounds created a substantial danger of death and serious injury to Breonna Taylor and three occupants of the apartment next to Ms. Taylor’s. I make my determination pursuant to theย preponderance of the evidence,” the letter added.

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