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Information Minister, Lai Mohammed Says There’s Nothing Bad In Borrowing

Information Minister, Lai Mohammed has said that there is nothing wrong in borrowing only if the funds are used for capital projects other than services.

This comes from Nigeria borrowing funds from China and other countries.

The minister said in a statement;

“There is no better way to answer Nigerians as to what we have done with the money we have borrowed than this trip,”

”On this trip, you have seen first hand the stations being constructed, the rail lines and the people who are working on the projects.

“Rather than arguing with critics, we opted to allow you (journalists) – the ears and eyes of Nigerians – to come and see for yourselves what we are doing with the money we are borrowing.

“We didn’t borrow money for services or overhead expenditure. We borrowed money for capital projects: rail; roads; bridges; power – infrastructure generally.”

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