Are you happy?ย
This is a difficult and somewhat philosophical question, the answer varies from person and is not concrete at best.
Well, if you are not happy? What are you going to do about it? Again, the possibilities are endless.
Let’s try that again – Are you happy with your job? Well, if you are not happy with your job, what are you going to do about it?
Life is more that existing, more than survival and more than being alive. Making money is more than the 9-5 grind to put food on the table. Surprisingly, you can do want you like and make money from it.ย
In our brave new world of internet innovations and technological leaps, the possibilitiesย of starting your business are truer than ever. What are those dreams that make you sigh in the the middle of the everyday grind?ย
So how do you know when to go your own voyage?
If you have an urge to do more than what your current job can affordย
If you need more than the paycheck at the end of the month.
If you want change more than the stability you’ve cushioned yourself in
If you have a vision you want to see come to life
If you are willing to risk it all
If you no longer have a passion for where you are
If you find yourself making tentative enquiries about that loan, or looking into the availability of certain resources.
If you find yourself reading and resonating with this article.
These are the signs you need.
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