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6 reasons why women lie

Most people believe that women are worst liars. They tell the world what they are not because of certain reasons.
Some do this intentionally while ย others find themselves rooted deeply into it and it becomes a habit they cant just stop doing.

Below are some of the reasons why women lie:

1)ย  Class /Clique

All fingers are not equal, but some women may find themselves in a class of society which she may not really fit in in terms of finances, intellectual capabilities and social life. But in order to avoid being left behind, she may begin to lie about herself in order to cover up for all loose ends. So, she begins to place unnecessary emphasis on irrelevant things so that the class she belongs to would see her as someone to reckon with.

2)ย  Attitude of people around her

When people study the type of people around them, they begin to change some things about them. One of the factors for women lying about themselves is because of attitudes of people around them. When you find yourself among people who are always boastful about their successes and achievements and the lady has none yet, in order to avoid complex, she may start to pile up things in her imaginative mind and saying it out, meanwhile, they are all bunch of lies.

3) External Perception

Thereโ€™re some women by virtue of their looks and intelligence are put in high standards by people. They take her to be so bountiful in all ramifications of life which may be a total opposite. When a situation like this happens, the lady may be forced to say some things that are not true so that people wont be disappointed about her. Itโ€™s a reason people battle with.

4) I belong

There are women who have this attitude natural in them. Thereโ€™s no situation that cause them to lie. Naturally, they find it so comfortable to lie about themselves. Telling people things that do not exist. Itโ€™s a part of life some women decide to subject themselves with and do not care about what it cost. As long as people still give them listening ears, even if they donโ€™t, they keep pouring out their products of imaginations.

This can also be said to be a way to impress people. As we all know people like to hear big things. By so doing, people are not used to them or who have never caught them lie will be fascinated on top of nothing.

5) To marry someone of their choice

Part of the reasons women lie about themselves is to marry someone they feel will better their lives. When women comes across a man she never imagined she would never see, she begins to present herself in a way that would please the eyes of the man. She definitely would never say something negative or dirty things she had done in the past. She begins to paint herself, her life, her family in a positive light which may eventually turn out to be lies.

6) ย Shame

This is one of the reasons women lie about themselves. Women go through a lot and experience episodes which people would not imagine in their life time. When they are caught and asked, thereโ€™s no way any woman can own up to have done such a thing. It is understandable that they are too ashamed to come out to the world to explain what they had done to friends who are ready to mock them world without end. So, they would rather prefer to lie and keep covering up with lies. Thank goodness, lies cannot be exhausted.

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