Raving female superstar Seyi Shay has been making some power moves around the industry. Yesterday she was alongside the CEO of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, Mr Oscar Onyemaย and fellowย colleague Burna Boy at the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Seyi Shay and Burna Boy who were earlier announced as ambassadors for the 2016 edition of the Nigerian Stock Exchange corporate Challenges were ushered along with a list of celebrities and delegates to the stock market, they were provided opportunities to speak with members of the stock market. Seyi Shay expressed the importance of the stock market to the everyday Nigerian & she also expressed how it was an experience for her visiting the Nigerian Stock Exchange for the first time.
After all the formalities Mr Oscar Onyema went straight to business as Seyi Shay and Burna Boy were presented with the duty of sounding the gong to close the stock market. Broadcast live on CNBC Africa some of Nigeria’s brightest talents took the centre stage in Africa.
As part of the activities lined for the Nigerian Stock Exchange Corporate Challenge Seyi Shay and other top celebrities will participate in a run to “e-race” cancer on Saturday the 14th of May 2016.
Seyi Shay joins a list of top celebrities like Omotola Jolade Ekehinde & M.I Abaga who have sounded the gong at the stock market.
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