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Keeping Your Man in Love

Relationships are a lot of work, which most times are worth the effort and โ€œstressโ€. Despite this, you can keep your man in love with you always, you know? The little little things that matter.

  1. Let him know you appreciate him

Let him know you love and appreciate him. There is something that happens amongst couples, when they have gotten comfortable with themselves- they forget to show their appreciation. They forget to tell themselves that they love each other. Look your boyfriend, or husband in the eye and tell him how grateful you are to have him in your life. Make him feel loved and appreciated, whether it’s with a simple “I love you” or a close embrace in the morning before he leaves for the day. Women arenโ€™t the only ones who need love and affection, men do too and they love you the more for telling and showing them.

  1. Look beautiful for him

Even though you guys have been in a relationship for a long time and have become very comfortable with each other, are about to tie the knot, have tied the knot, remember to keep looking beautiful for him. Most men nowadays do not want their wives tying wrapper up and down the house neither do they want to see them all sweaty every time. What you can do is to look good for him. Donโ€™t through looking beautiful for him out of the window.

  1. Think like a man

Remember the book and the movies โ€œThink Like a manโ€? Lol! If you can think like a man at times, it would save you a lot of stress and hard work. Men and women share different interests. This is no news. To properly connect with your man, go out of your way to learn what makes him tick, is it sports, food, video games, charity, his job, etc. knowing and understanding his interests will help keep you two together. Heard of a man leaving the house to go watch a soccer match at the club down the street? This might not be because he doesnโ€™t like his wife or canโ€™t watch it at home, but because he enjoys the company of people who can argue with him during the match or who can discuss intelligently about the teams and match

  1. Donโ€™t drown him

Give him space. To have a healthy relationship, you both must respect each otherโ€™s space and alone time. You both should have independent lives, else there would be nothing new in your relationship- nothing to miss about each other. Over-familiarity and a sense of being choked up will suffice. Ensure you make out time to hang out with individual friends on a regular basis. You need friends-good friends, you know?

  1. Be honest

Honesty and trust remain a very important issue which must be upheld in any relationship, else it is headed for the rocks. Be open. Do not hide things from him. No one likes to be lied to, so come clean if you have done something wrong, else he will find out outside and might be unable to defend or forgive you. A jealous man is lethal, even God who is a jealous God is โ€ฆ ย Create an environment that is trusting, free and safe. The safer he feels in the relationship, the happier he will be around you.

Apart from all these, remember to laugh genuinely at his jokes. Make him feel special by doing so. Donโ€™t take like too seriously. The more you laugh with your man, the better your relationship and the more in love he will be with you.

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