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Beyoncé Backs Clinton

As the plot of 2016 US Presidential election thickens, Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, has enlisted some star power Friday in a concert which featured Jay Z, Beyonce, Chance the Rapper and Big Sean

The hip hop icons however enjoined the voters to vote massively for Mrs Clinton.
According to Beyoncé ,  “I want my daughter to grow up seeing a woman lead our country and knowing that her possibilities are limitless… And that’s why I am with her.”
In her short speech after a duet by Jay Z and Beyoncé, Clinton said there are more barriers to be broken with the help of the artistes.
She quoted a statement made by Jay Z during his 2008 performance for then-Sen. Barack Obama.
“And remember,” Clinton said, “Jay memorably said something we should all recall: Rosa Parks sat so Martin Luther could walk. And Martin Luther walked so Barack Obama could ran. And Barack Obama ran so all the children could fly!”
There was no mention of Donald Trump by name on stage, however Jay Z made mention of his candidacy, saying:
“This other guy, I don’t have any ill will … he cannot be my president. He cannot be our president. Once you divide us, you weaken us, we are stronger together. And without further ado, I would like to introduce to you the next president of the United State, Miss Hillary Clinton.”
Beyonce has long been a Clinton supporter while Jay Z has been slow to back Clinton. He has now come to the open to do so.
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