The 2016 edition of popular comedy show AY Liveorganized by the entrepreneurial comedian, Ayo Makun took place on Easter Sunday March 27, 2016 in LaThe show was tagged ‘The Happy Ever Laughter’.
Below are things you didn’t read about the event;
1. The event started 2 hours after the published time with an extremely boring host Daddy Freeze. And to worsen it he tried to converse in pidgin. Bros no please.
2. The use of up and coming acts was a hit back to back. Like we didn’t pay 1 million, 25k and 6k to come talent hunting with AY. They were at it for 2 and a half hours. Jeez.
3. Dance Na The Main thing performed the exact same Micheal Jackson routine they had at Darey’s Love Like A Movie. And to think there are so many dance routines worldwide.
4. Daddy Freeze tried again and again to please us. No we are not interested. Stick to social media rants and building your watch collections.
5. In usual tradition the event was sold out and yet again tickets continued selling. So we saw people sitting along the staircase and worse still a sizeable crowd standing at the back. Typical Nigerian event owner mentality of making money at people’s expense.
6. The old generation of artists got the stage at AY Live. Some people like me loved it. The likes of Majek Fashek, Styl Plus, Danfo Drivers e.t.c Took us way back to when good music was the core in Nigeria
7. Hunger and thirst where the order of the day as Eko Hotel staff as usual are unable to serve guests accordingly and this is with our hard earned money oo.
8. A couple of guests that left around 11pm felt disgruntled. But why wouldn’t you, got to a show at 5pm to get good seats ahead of 6pm. And nothing major happened up till 11pm. arghh
9. But for those of us that stayed till the end 3:30am we got our money’s worth back. THe show was banging, like it was a hit back to back from 11pm till AY closed the show. Like he kept all the fun till late. The entire show lasted for 9hrs, 30mins.
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