In a surprising turn of events, the dynamic duo Ndinne, composed of aunt and niece Nneamaka and Chinne, has been evicted from the Big Brother Naija ‘No Loose Guard’ Season.
Four pairs received the least votes: Radicals (Michky and Fairme), Ndinne (Nneamaka and Chinne), Zinwe (Zion and Chinwe), and Flourish (DJ Flo and Rhuthee). After much deliberation, Custodians Mayor Frosh and Toby Forge, exercised the power granted to them by Big Brother, choosing to evict Ndinne.
The former Immunity holders were evicted despite ranking second with 4.18% of the total votes among the bottom four housemates. According to audience votes, Flourish ranked last on the list with 1.90%, Zinwe with 3.70%, Ndinne with 4.18% and Radicals with 5.61%.
Ndinne had a strong start in the competition, winning the Head of House challenge earlier this week and the Custodian challenge in their first week. However, despite these early victories, they were ultimately evicted, reducing the number of pairs in the house to 12.
Speaking to Ebuka after their evictions, Nneamaka revealed that although she felt she was going to stay longer, she was still happy with the experience. Nne further agreed with her aunt as she disclosed that they’ll figure out what’s next as they leave the show.
However, before the evictions, Ebuka was out for necks as Nne chickened out from confrontation. Chinwe gave context on her conversation on sponsoring Zion to the show, and Ruthiee aired her grievances for Wanni.
Soon after, Ebuka further grilled the housemates, and Mayor Frosh revealed viewers why he has reservations about Sooj. Meanwhile, Victoria disclosed, despite popular opinion, that her relationship with her partner is not off.
As the number of pairs in the house dwindles, the competition is bound to become even more intense. All eyes will be on the remaining contestants as they battle to stay in the game.