The show started with the host, Ebuka Obi Uchendu, who talked about how the week went down. The first questions he asked the housemates caused a stir in the house when he asked Nne a question about Zinwe pair (Zion and Chinwe) and she responded saying she does not remember exactly what she said about the situation.
The bottom four housemates for week 2 are: Zinwe, Ndinne, Radicals and Floruish. The custodians for week 2, Streeze (Mayor Frosh and Toby Forge) will determine the pair that will be saved for the week. The custodians selected a box that allows them to EVICT ONLY! This was a tough decision as Big Brother called them into the diary room to make their selection.
The custodians, Streeze, made their selection in the diary room and minutes after, Ebuka, annoucned the pairs leavign the house. Ndinne, the outgoing Heads of House for week 2 were evicted from the show. They were the first custodians and first female Heads of House. Under their tenure, the house won their first wager for the season. We wish them all the best.
Sadly, their time on the show has ended. Custodians do this ones ooooo!!!!!!!!! #NoLooseGuard #BBNAIJA #BBNAIJAS9 #Bbnaija2024
— OSG (@OloriSupergal) August 11, 2024